- The first goal was to present a crisis in the middle east and research solutions to the problem. I did my crisis research a few blogs ago when talking about the Civil War in Yemen.
- My second goal was to familiarize myself with the Arabic alphabet to give me a head start on college studies
- And my third and final goal was to get accepted into West Point's Summer Leadership Experience so I can take classes and live at my dream school for a week
Campus Life
The purpose of this program is to show students interested in West Point, what life will be like if you attend college there. According to West Point's website, the SLE (Summer Leadership Experience) gives high school juniors a week to experience life as a cadet to inform their college selection decision. SLE is a fast paced program of academic classes, military training, physical fitness training, and intramural athletics conducted during the month of June each year.I applied for the program back in January. This is also when I started my West Point application. Basically what I will be doing can be broken up into 3 categories.
When I started the application, I ranked the 15 classes that they offer in order of preference. The classes they offer include areas of Science, Math, Engineering, Humanities, Modern Languages, and Psychology. My top 3 choices were Social Science (in the hope that international relations may be included), Foreign Language (in the hope that Arabic will be included) , and Leadership and Ethics.I will get to attend 3 different workshops alongside other juniors and this will help me see what classes are like at West Point. According to the schedule classes will be from 9:00-3:30 so it's basically the same amount of time as a school day. Regardless, I'm very excited to see what they have to offer.
Military Experience
I've known for 4 years now that I want to join the military. While at West Point, I will be able to participate in many military activities that I won't be able to do anywhere else.While at West Point I will get to go through a weapons familiarization process. They didn't say exactly what or how many weapons I will get to use but the thought is still exciting. I've actually only handled a real gun a few times, so to get trained on how to use a gun from an expert is exciting.
Another part of the experience is the obstacle course. I love using obstacle courses and always use the JROTC course that we have at school. The website doesn't show pictures or tell much about it but the obstacle course has to be amazing. West Point is a top notch school so everything they have is high class.
I will also be put through a Leadership Reaction Course. I've done similar things in past JROTC competitions. Basically what it is, is when you and a team are put in a situation to where you must work together to get out. It will be a lot of team building and trust exercises.
Athletic and Social
Athletics are a HUGE part of West Point and the military itself. I love working out and will even get to be the commander of JROTC's Raider Physical Fitness Team next year! Being able to work out military style surrounded by other people who love the same thing is exciting. Everyone there will be physically fit so we can all challenge each other. Every morning we will wake up and start PT (physical training) at 5:30. This is something common in the military and will be an exciting thing tro experience.Every night there is also a time to hang out and play sports with the other students. It is meant to be a social time but also to keep you moving. Basketball, Soccer, and Dodgeball are some of the sports that will be offered when I'm there.
I will also have a chance to talk to the cadets that are currently there. Hearing first-hand accounts from actual students will give me a better impression of going to school there.
Overall I'm EXTREMELY excited to be able to get to go to West Point this summer. I decided about a year and a half ago that this is what I would try and do. Being accepted into this program is reassuring because 40% of attendees get accepted into the academy the following year! That number is higher than what I was expecting and gives me hope that I can get accepted.Something else that they sent me was a schedule of the events that will take place when I'm there. This shows me what I will be doing and at what time. (There are many pages of information in that link but I am just referencing page 2). It looks like I will be busy but I couldn't be more excited!
The thing I am looking forward to the most is probably the PT. Like I said before, I think it will be exciting to work out the true military way surrounded by other physically fit people. I am currently training really hard so that I will have good scores to impress them there.
I will be there next month from June 6-12. I'm counting down the days and I can't wait!
"The Summer Leadership Experience." Usma.edu. US Army, 2014. Web. 06 May 2015. <http://www.usma.edu/admissions/SitePages/Summer.aspx>."USMA Summer Leaders Experience General Information." West Point Admissions (2015): 2. 2015. Web. 6 May 2015. <https://candidate.usma.edu/downloads/CY2020/SLEInstructions.pdf>.